Albion Primary School signed up to become a ResourceSmart School in July 2019 aiming to achieve 5 stars and hold a 5-star rating. In 2024, we were awarded our 5th star and are now a 5-star ResourceSmart school.
The ResourceSmart Schools program has five modules:
The Waste Module helps our school to minimise waste sent to landfill through the operational practices of ‘reduce, reuse, recycle’. In addition to saving money, there are many social and environmental advantages to reducing waste. consumption, such as minimising our impact on the environment. At our school, the majority of waste is made up of food, paper and packaging, as well as plastic.
The Water Module assists our school to reduce water use and save on bills. Schools can improve water use on school grounds and through partnering with their community on river health, waterway protection and coastal care projects.
Schools must accomplish a set number of actions to complete each to receive a certificate valid for four years.
The modules can be completed in any order, or at the same time. Each module includes a minimum number of actions for completion.
In 2022, we were a finalist for the Emerging School of the Year in the ResourceSmart Sustainability Victoria Awards. Our school house captains represented the school at this event. While we did not win, it was a great honour and validation for the work we are doing.
In June 2024, we had a visit from representatives from Sustainability Victoria and ResourceSmart Schools. Our school leaders talked to them about and showed them the work we have done over the last four/five years to reach this point. The students impressed the visitors and they could see the work the school has done and is doing. We found out on 8th August 2024, that we have received our 5-star rating - very exciting!
You will find reports, policies and other infomation in the boxes below.
Core Module
Sustainability Report
Sustainability Updates 2021
Sustainability Updates 2022
Sustainability Updates 2023
Sustainability Updates 2024
Sustainability Updates 2025
Policies - Sustainability and Green Purchasing
Core Module Star and Certificate
Biodiversity Module
2023 Biodiversity Audit Report
2024 Biodiversity Audit (Term 1)
Biodiversity Star and Certificate
Waste Module
Can it be Recycled?
Recycling at Albion
T2 2023 Waste Audit
Waste Goals and Targets
Waste Star and Certificate
10c Bottle Bins
Our completed bottle cap mural - made from bottle caps collected by the school community (and other helpers from outside the school).
Water Module
T2 2023 Water Audit
River Detectives Program
River Detectives Updates 2022
2024 Water presentations
Water Pledge
Energy Module
T2 2023 Energy Audit
All double batten fluroescent lights were upgraded to LEDs in 2023.
Grant Information
Woolworths Junior Landcare Grant
School Improvement
School environment improvements
Sustainablility Competition
Final scoreboard - we won!
ResourceSmart Sustainability Victoria Awards
Emerging School of the Year finalist