Recent News

Calendar Dates

Calendar dates are added to regularly and sometimes they change. Please keep track of the calendar as we progress through the year.

It's Not OK to Be Away!

It is the parent's responsibility to ensure their child is attending school. Please help your child do their very best by making sure they are at school every day and on time (except when they are unwell).

OSH Club

OSH Club is out of school hours care.Albion Primary School has an arrangement with St Theresa's Primary School so that students and families from both schools can utilise the before and after school care.

On-Line Safety Basics

The eSafetyCommissioner website has some terrific resources for parents to help navigate and educate children about being online safely.

Playground before and after school

Children must be supervised by their own parent if they want to play on the playground before or after school.

ResourceSmart School

We are now a 5-star ResouceSmart school!Since signing up to be a ResourceSmart school in September 2019, we worked towards gaining our 5-star rating.

Every Day Counts

Every day counts! A friendly reminder about the importance of students attending school each day. Below is a chart showing how missed days impact on our students’ learning and achievement.

ResourceSmart Schools 5-Star Celebration

'Your school is amazing!' 'What a great way to celebrate!''The students are learning so much.''Your students are so articulate. They know what is going on and how it all works!'

Collaborative Mural

Albion Primary School has been working in collaboration with Victoria University's Design and Graphics department to create the mural on one of our blank walls.

2025 - 2030 School Term Dates

For your information, term dates are listed below from 2025 - 2030

Before and After School Supervision

Student safety at Albion Primary School is our highest priority and the safe and appropriate supervision of students is an important element of our duty of care to students.

Bottle Cap Mural

It's finished!We completed the bottle cap mural at our working bee at the beginning of August. Well done everyone who helped design and make it. It looks fabulous and what a great way to recycle the bottle caps.